Reflections Blog

How to Maximize Your Estate for Future Generations

How you plan your estate will have a significant impact on how much your family must pay in taxes, especially if you own assets like company stock that you expect to appreciate substantially.

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How Physicians Can Reduce Liability with Retirement Plans

A way to protect yourself from liability and reduce taxes
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How Much Does Long-Term Care Really Cost in Illinois?

With costs in 2022 ranging from $60-$86K, understand your options to prepare
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How the New Administration Might Affect Your Retirement?

Proposed changes may impact retirement planning, particularly for individuals and couples who earn more than $400,000 per year.

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5 Things I Wish I Knew Before Selling My Company’s Stock Options

Save on taxes, improve cash flow, and manage risk with these five ideas

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Year End Charitable Gifting Planning Under New Tax Rules

How might new tax laws change your charitable gifting strategy
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The Market Reacts to the Election

The Market Reacts to the Election

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How An Advisor Acts As A Quarterback To Your Team

Are you spending too much time advising your advisors ?

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Election Results & Stock Market Returns

How have stock markets reacted under different administrations?

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An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Personal Finances

Answers for any at the cusp of a liquidity event only to realize that: “wait… I haven’t prepared for this at all!”

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Guide to GRATs: Estate Planning for Business Owners

Preparing for a liquidity event? These estate planning strategies can provide large reductions in taxes
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Should You Do A 401(k) Rollover?

Should I roll over my old employer 401(k)? Pro’s and cons of each approach

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Benefits of Diversification

How portfolio diversification can help reduce your risk

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Guidance in Uncharted Waters

Dealing with a situation we have never faced before

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Being Invested in Scary Markets

An answer for “Why don’t we just sell everything and wait this out?

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5 Unexpected Threats to Your Retirement Plan

Know the unexpected ways you could run into retirement trouble

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A Decade in Markets

A look back at investing in the 2010’s

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Why Should I Contribute To My 401(k)?

Why should I contribute to my 401(k) plan

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Could A Donor-Advised Fund Save You Money On Taxes?

Pay less tax while giving more to charities with a donor-advised fund 

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Why It’s Important to Rebalance Your Portfolio Each Year

Why you should rebalance your portfolio and how to do it correctly

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What Does A Financial Advisor Really Do For You?

How you can spend less time worrying about your money and more time on what’s important to you and your family

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What To Do During Market Volatility

Fear increases financial news viewership and sells advertisements, but it doesn’t need to run your portfolio

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$1 Million Isn’t What it Used to Be

Don’t let inflation erode the value of your retirement portfolio with these simple strategies

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What to Do in the Last Ten Years of Your Career

Four ways to get your retirement savings on track

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How Business Owners Can Catch Up For Retirement

Majority of the wealth of small business owners is tied up in their business, yet 34% don’t have a retirement savings plan.

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Entrepreneurs’ Guide to Qualified Small Business Stock (QSBS)

This little-known tax rule could save you millions upon your company exit.

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The 4% Rule: Can You Get More From Your Retirement Portfolio?

The 4% Rule is a simple calculation to help you determine how to make sure your retirement savings last.

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Financial Planning Checklist: Things To Do Before Year’s End

Multiple planning opportunities may exist before year-end that can help build your wealth

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